If you click on a letter the site will direct you to seperate page with Carriers that start with that alpha letter.
If there is a "Date" in the "Date Acquiried" it indicates that I have that patch in my project.
If the "Date" is 01/1/1900 then I am loking to acquire that patch.
If you have one to Donate/Trade/Sell please Contact Me
If you have one that you would like me to add to this site please send me an imge of it to me Contact Me
A Carriers B Carriers C Carriers
D Carriers E Carriers F Carriers
G Carriers H Carriers I Carriers
J Carriers K Carriers L Carriers
M Carriers N Carriers O Carriers
P Carriers Q Carriers R Carriers
S Carriers T Carriers U Carriers
V Carriers W Carriers X Carriers
Y Carriers Z Carriers 0-9 Carriers
Moving Company Carriers
Truck Manufacturing companies Carriers
Trailer Manufacturing companies Carriers
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I have Patches for sale on eBay:
and ltmdwb